Youth Protection - Mandatory Training
Any Authorized Adult, including the Program Administrator, is required to receive training in the Code of Conduct and Reporting Obligations prior to participating in activities related to the covered program, and annually thereafter.
The training covers mandatory reporting obligations and how to report known or suspected abuse of a child. Most importantly, the training identifies behaviors that are and are not appropriate when working with minors and calls out red flags for predatory conduct and abuse. Awareness of these issues can be a powerful tool to prevent abuse from occurring.
The training is provided by YPPS and can be done in-person or online. The multiple options for how an Authorized Adult can receive the training are listed below.
Program-Specific Trainings
If you have a scheduled staff meeting or orientation and would like a program-specific training, those can be scheduled in advance. Contact YPPS to schedule the training for your program.
Online Training
Access online training for Authorized Adults